Flight Status and information LN302
Date : | 2024-12-16 |
Status | Landed 09:25 |
Scheduled arrival time : | 09:15 |
Flight | LN302 |
Origin | MITIGA |
Flight Historical and Delays
Date | Flight | Origin | Status | Punctuality |
2024-12-19 08:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | - | |
2024-12-16 09:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 09:25 | - |
2024-12-12 08:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 08:25 | - |
2024-12-11 10:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Cancelled | - |
2024-12-09 09:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 09:21 | - |
2024-12-05 08:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 19:20 | - |
2024-12-04 10:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Cancelled | - |
2024-12-02 09:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 16:50 | - |
2024-11-28 08:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 09:11 | - |
2024-11-25 09:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 09:34 | - |
2024-11-21 08:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 08:12 | - |
2024-11-18 09:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 09:11 | - |
2024-11-14 08:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 08:35 | - |
2024-11-11 09:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 09:29 | - |
2024-11-07 08:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 08:10 | - |
2024-11-04 09:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 09:12 | - |
2024-10-31 08:15 |
LN302 | MITIGA | Landed 08:23 | - |
2024-10-30 08:50 |
LN302 | MITIGA | - |